Ultra Heavy Duty Double Bunk Bed achieves formal British Standard certification.

The latest revision of our Ultra Heavy Duty Double Bunk Bed has completed testing at FIRA Internationals laboratory in Stevenage and has successfully satisfied the requirements of the internationally recognised Safety, Strength and Durability standard; BS EN 747-1 & 2: 2012 + A1: 2015 This provides further assurance that our Ultra Heavy Duty Double Bunk […]

Ultra Heavy Duty Bunk Beds have their unique design formally registered

Ultra Heavy Duty Bunk Bed

Our UHD double bunk bed and UHD triple bunk bed have achieved full UK Design Registration due to their unique design using common components and un-handed ladder configurations. You can simply change the position of the bunk bed ladders on site from left to right without any additional components. Simply un-bolt the ladder, move to the […]